Known issues, limitations, and notes

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These are the known issues, limitations, and notes for:

General EDB Data Migration Service limitations

EDB DMS doesn’t currently support migrating schemas, tables, and columns that have case-sensitive names.

Oracle limitations

A limited number of Oracle data types and features aren't supported by EDB Data Migration Service (EDB DMS).

See the Debezium documentation for detailed comments on supported data types.

Unsupported Oracle data types include:

  • LONG
  • RAW
  • User-defined types (REF, Varrays, Nested Tables)
  • ANY
  • XML
  • Spatial

EDB DMS supports replicating Oracle tables that contain BLOB, CLOB, or NCLOB columns only if these also have the primary key constraint. If the tables don't have the primary key constraint, the streaming replication will only support INSERT operations.

BINARY_FLOAT and BINARY_DOUBLE types in Oracle that might contain Nan, +INF, and -INF values are not supported by EDB DMS.

Postgres limitations

Unsupported domain type definitions in columns

The EDB DMS doesn't support migrating tables with columns that have user-defined domains as data types for the following data type domains:

  • DATE
  • TIME
  • UUID
  • ENUM
  • JSON
  • XML

Incorrect failure messages

The script referenced in Preparing Postgres database sources incorrectly reports failures for the max_wal_size database parameter check and for the replication slot check.

The script reports a failure for the max_wal_size check, if the parameter is set to a value lower than 8 GB. Although this is a recommended setting for many production workloads, setting the parameter to a lower value doesn't prevent a migration from being performed.

In addition, the Postgres configuration validation script also performs a check to see if a replication slot with a slot name matching the migration user/role was created. This is an outdated check that is no longer needed because the EDB DMS Reader automatically creates and manages the required replication slot. You can ignore the failure message related to the replication slot. The check will be removed in a future version of the script.

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