Configuration v4

Besides being mandatory for the customer id, the Lasso configuration file also allows you to omit most of the command line options that your environment might require. (You can see a list of all the command-line options in Usage.)

Lasso looks for configuration files in the following paths, in this order, and uses the first match:

  1. ./edb-lasso.cfg in the same directory where Lasso is running
  2. ./edb-lasso.conf in the same directory where Lasso is running
  3. $HOME/.edb-lasso.conf
  4. /etc/edb-lasso.conf

Alternatively, you can run Lasso with the --config-file option to specify a configuration file not in the list above, for example:

lasso --config-file /path/to/file.conf

A template file for the configuration file looks like this:

    ; Lasso template configuration file
    ; Copyright (C) EnterpriseDB UK Limited 2015-2024 - All Rights Reserved.
    ; Licensed only for use with an EnterpriseDB subscription

    ; the "Company code" from the customer page in the EDB Portal
    ; the "Token" from the customer page in the EDB Portal
    ;    since Lasso 4.17.0, the token is no longer mandatory.
    ; the depth of the Lasso report. Must be one between: surface, shallow and deep
    ; the environment of the server. Can be any string

    ; Lasso uses the following connection string parameters to connect to your
    ; PostgreSQL cluster and take diagnostics. By default it will attempt a peer
    ; connection to socket under directory /var/run/postgresql
    ; dbname=
    ; user=
    ; port=
    ; hostname can be a host or a socket directory
    ; hostname=/var/run/postgresql
    ; password=

    ; session variable to control timeout on lock waits
    ; lock_timeout=3s
    ; session variable to control statement execution time
    ; statement_timeout=5min

    ; PostgreSQL binaries directory. Lasso will try to detect this automatically if
    ; not set
    ; bindir=
    ; if the host is able to access the internet and reach the EDB servers to upload
    ; Lasso reports
    ; external_access=yes

    ; path to barman.conf, if using a non-default one
    ; configuration=

    ; path to repmgr.conf, if using a non-default one
    ; configuration=

    ; path to, if using a non-default one
    ; configuration=

    ; path to xdb_pubserver.conf, if using a non-default one
    ; pubserver_configuration=
    ; path to xdb_subserver.conf, if using a non-default one
    ; subserver_configuration=

    ; path to pgbouncer.ini, if using a non-default one
    ; configuration=

    ; path to config.yml, if using a non-default one
    ; configuration=
    ; proxy_configuration=

    ; path to pgd-proxy-config.yml, if using a non-default one
    ; configuration=

You can use this template to set up your configuration file. Uncomment the desired parameters and set their values according to your environment.

On Linux, you can find that same template configuration file at /etc/edb-lasso.conf.templ.

You can see more details about how each of these arguments is used in Report types.