Configuring Postgres Enterprise Manager (PEM) v23

TPA will install and configure PEM when tpaexec configure command is run with --enable-pem command line option.

The default behavior with --enable-pem is to enable pem-agent role for all postgres instances in the cluster. pem-agent role will also be added to barman nodes when --enable-pg-backup-api command line option is used alongside --enable-pem.

A dedicated instance named pemserver will also be added to the cluster.

Since PEM server uses postgres backend; pemserver instance implicitly uses postgres role as well which ensures that pemserver gets a valid postgres cluster configured for use as PEM backend. All configuration options available for a normal postgres instance are valid for PEM's backend postgres instance as well. See following for details:

Note that PEM is only available via EDB's package repositories and therefore requires a valid subscription.

Supported architectures

PEM is supported with all architectures via the --enable-pem configuration command line option, with the exception of the BDR-Always-ON architecture when used with EDB Postgres Extended. You can optionally edit the generated cluster config (config.yml) and assign or remove pem-agent role from any postgres instance in the cluster in order to enable or disable PEM there.

PEM component package versions

By default, TPA installs the latest available version of PEM agent and PEM server.

The version of the PEM agent and PEM server packages that are installed can be specified by including pem_agent_package_version: xxx and pem_server_package_version: xxx under the cluster_vars section of the config.yml file.

cluster_vars:pem_agent_package_version: '9.7.0-1.el9'
    pem_server_package_version: '9.7.0-1.el9'

You may use any version specifier that apt or yum would accept.

If your version does not match, try appending a * wildcard. This is often necessary when the package version has an epoch qualifier like 2:....

PEM configuration

TPA will configure pem agents and pem server with the appropriate instance-specific settings, with remaining settings set to the respective default values. Some of the configuration options may be exposed for user configuration at some point in future.

PEM server's web interface is configured to run on https and uses 443 port for the same. PEM's webserver configuration uses self-signed certificates.

The default login credentials for the PEM server web interface use the postgres backend database user, which is set to postgres for postgresql and enterprisedb for EPAS clusters by default. You can get the login password for the web interface by running tpaexec show-password $clusterdir $user.

Passing additional options when registering PEM agents

TPA registers each PEM agent in the cluster using the pemworker utility's --register agent command.

A list of additional registration options can be passed by including pemagent_registration_opts in the cluster config.

For example:

  - --enable-smtp true
  - --enable-heartbeat-connection
  - --allow-batch-probes true
  - -l DEBUG1

The PEM documentation lists more information about registration options.

Useful extensions for the nodes with pem agent

By default, TPA will add sql_profiler, edb_wait_states and query_advisor extensions to any instances that have pem-agent role.

This list of default extensions for pem-agent nodes can be overriden by setting pemagent_extensions in config.yml.

If this list is empty, no extensions will be automatically included.

Providing an external certificate for PEM server SSL authentication

By default, the PEM server creates a self-signed certificate pair, server-pem.crt and server-pem.key and configures the webserver to use them for HTTPS access.

To provide your own certificate pair, create a directory under the root of the cluster directory named ssl/pemserver and place the certificate pair inside.

cluster directory
├── ssl
│   └── pemserver
│       ├── externally-provided.crt
│       └── externally-provided.key

Next, set the variables pem_server_ssl_certificate and pem_server_ssl_key with the respective file names as values for the vars: under the pem server instance or cluster_vars in the cluster config file.

TPA will handle copying these files over to the pem server instance and configure the webserver accordingly.

- Name: pemserver
  location: main
  node: 4
  - pem-server
    pem_server_ssl_certificate: externally-provided.crt
    pem_server_ssl_key: externally-provided.key

Shared PEM server

Some deployments may want to use a single PEM server for monitoring and managing multiple clusters in the organization. Shared pem server deployment within tpaexec is supported via the pem_shared variable that you could set via vars: under the pem server instance for the given cluster config that plans to use an existing pem server. pem_shared is a boolean variable so possible values are true and false(default). When declaring a pemserver instance as shared, we tell the given cluster config that pemserver instance is in fact managed by a separate cluster config that provisioned and deployed the pem server in the first place. So any changes we wanted to make to the pem server instance including postgres backend for pem would be managed by the cluster where pemserver instance is NOT declared as a shared pem instance.

A typical workflow for using a shared pem server across multiple clusters would look something like this:

  1. Create a tpaexec cluster with a single instance that has pem-server role (call it 'pem-cluster' for this example). We could as easily use the same workflow in a scenario where pem is provisioned as part of a larger cluster and not just a single instance that runs as pemserver but we use a single node cluster because it is easier to use that as an example and arguably easy to maintain as well.

  2. In the other cluster (pg-cluster for example), reference this particular pemserver from $clusters/pem-cluster as a shared pem server instance and use bare as platform so we are not trying to create a new pemserver instance. Also specify the IP address of the pemserver that this cluster can use to access pemserver instance.

    - Name: pemserver
      node: 5
      - pem-server
      platform: bare
        pem_shared: true
  3. Before running deploy in the postgres cluster, make sure that pg-cluster can access pem server instance via ssh. You can allow this access by copying pg-cluster's public key to pem server instance via ssh-copy-id and then do an ssh to make sure you can login without having to specify the password.

    # add pem-clusters key to the ssh-agent (handy for `aws` platform)
    $ cd $clusters/pem-cluster
    $ ssh-add id_pem-clutser
    $ cd $clusters/pg-cluster
    $ ssh-keyscan -4 $pem-server-ip >> known_hosts
    $ ssh-copy-id -i -o 'UserKnownHostsFile=tpa_known_hosts' $user@$pem-server-ip
    $ ssh -F ssh_config pemserver
  4. Update postgresql config on pem server node so it allows connections from the new pg-cluster. You can modify existing pg_hba.conf on pem server by adding new entries to pem_postgres_extra_hba_settings under vars: in pem-cluster's config.yml. For example:

    - Name: pemserver
      location: main
      node: 1
      - pem-server
          - "# Allow pem connections from pg-cluster1.quire"
          - hostssl pem +pem_agent cert
          - "# Allow pem connections from pg-cluster1.upside"
          - hostssl pem +pem_agent cert
          - "# Allow pem connections from pg-cluster2.zippy"
          - hostssl pem +pem_agent cert
          - "# Allow pem connections from pg-cluster2.utopic"
          - hostssl pem +pem_agent cert

    and then run tpaexec provision $clusters/pem-cluster followed by tpaexec deploy $clusters/pem-cluster. When complete, nodes from your new pg-cluster should be able to speak with pem server backend.

  5. In order to make sure pem agents from the nodes in pg-cluster can connect and register with the pem server backend, you must first export EDB_PEM_CREDENTIALS_FILE=/path/to/pem/credentials/file before you run tpaexec deploy. Credentials file is a text file that contains your access credentials to the pemserver's backend postgres instance in the username:password format.

    $ cat pem_creds

    If you don't know the backend password, you can get that by using show-password tpaexec command.

    tpaexec show-password $pem-clusterdir $user
  1. Run tpaexec deploy $clusters/pg-cluster so pem is deployed on the new pg-cluster while using shared pem server instance.

Connecting to the PEM UI

PEM UI runs on https interface so you can connect with a running instance of PEM server via https://$pem-server-ip/pem. Login credentials for PEM UI are set to the postgres backend user which uses postgres or enterprisedb for postgresql and epas flavours respectively. tpaexec's show-password command will show the password for the backend user. For example:

tpaexec show-password $clusterdir $user

See PEM documentation for more details on PEM configuration and usage.